Internet icon is a small desktop application that notifies the user about his internet connection. The application displays a tray icon or shows a notification message, depending on the desktop environment or the user's choice. The software is open source (GPL 3).


Compile and install the application as usual. Download the package from the links above (or use the git clone command: git clone If required unpack the archive, enter the project folder and execute these commands:
sudo make install
For details see the INSTALL file.


The first time is launched, the application creates an xml configuration file in the home folder, named ".internet_icon". Normally you can leave it unmodified, in any case you can modify it by hand. Please restart the application if you modify the configuration.
Tags explanation
default value: 20. Number of seconds between each internet connection check out. minimum value: 10.
<test_ip> and <test_port>
default values: "auto" and 53. Ip address and port to be checked. Please use ip address, not domain name! "auto" indicates your dns servers ip.
<opmode> default value: "auto". The operational mode, i.e. "status-icon", "notification", or "auto"; "status-icon" displays an icon on the system tray (make sure it is visible), "notification" shows a message when the internet status changes, "auto" displays icon or notification based on program's choice.
default value: "". The url to automatically get your wan ip.
default value: "InternetIcon/Getting wan ip". The user agent, as required by the "what is my ip" server.


Perhaps it would be better using a ping instead of a real connection; however ping in linux requires root previleges, so I chose a normal connection that is immediatly closed.


You can automatically start the application when desktop session starts, both in Gnome and Kde. Using Gnome run "gnome-session-properties", then add a startup application, specifying full path of the executable code (typically /usr/local/bin/internet_icon). Using Kde create a symbolic link from the same path to .kde/Autostart folder: ln -s /usr/local/bin/internet_icon .kde/Autostart


By default, only italian translation is present. If you create a translation for your language, please let me know, so I can add your translation to the archive. To generate catalog file, follow these steps:
cd po
make internet_icon.pot


Author: P. Bozzo (@pagolo)
Email: pagolo DOT bozzo AT gmail DOT com